Monday, May 26, 2008


These days loyalty is on life support. Gone are the days where people and business value being loyal to a person or service. There are no handshake deals, contracts are honored less and vows are broken.

Why is it that the grass is always greener on the other side? Human nature I suppose, but there used to be a sense of pride when you said, "I've been coming to Jojo's for the last ten years". Even though another Italian restaurant chain down the street has opened and may have similar food for twenty five cents less.

I'm not saying to stick with someone who has done something awful to you, or if they botched a major project that cost your company's money or reputation.

I'm suggesting that you have an open discussion with the person or business and let them know exactly why you are considering a change. Be honest with them and give them an opportunity to fill your need. If it makes sense to make the change at that point, at least your former relationship knows where they stand.